People want to work with me for a variety of reasons. Some people have questions they want to get answers to. Some people want help with life challenges. Some people want to learn how to change their habits. Some people want to achieve better health or success in life. Some people want to learn how to live more skillfully with greater self-awareness and understanding.
If you are interested in working with me for any of these reasons or whatever other reasons you might have, there are a few ways you can do so, which I will briefly describe to you below.
1. Each week I offer a public talk followed by a question and answer session live by way of Zoom. If you are interested in joining live, you are welcome to do so. If you are not yet signed up for my mailing list, sign up now and you'll get an automated email message containing the information for how to join the live meetings on Mondays.
2. I offer one-to-one sessions by way of Zoom. I offer one free introductory session to all sincere people who are ready to make positive changes and are willing to be coachable. You can find out about that on the Introductory Session page. I also offer One-to-One sessions for a fee of $150 USD. You can schedule a session from my scheduler at I allow scheduling of appointments up to two weeks in advance. If you don't see any current availability on my calendar, it means that all spots are booked for the next two weeks. Check back again soon and you may find more availability.
3. I also offer two other weekly programs which are ongoing. One is called Manifesting Truth which is a very complete and powerful program which guides you step by step in cultivating a simple, effective daily routine which will enhance your life at all levels. You can learn more about that at the Manifesting Truth page. The other ongoing program is for people who wish to receive an initiation into a spiritual practice from one of my teachers and commit to that practice. In this program I offer guidance and support for those who are committed to the daily spiritual practice given by my teacher in an ancient siddha linage of Thirumoolar. If you are interested in that program, send me an email with a subject line of "Siddha Life Mastery" to [email protected].